What Happens If You Don’t Replace Missing Teeth?

Did you know that by ignoring missing teeth problems you could be risking your overall health? Our teeth provide more than just a beautiful smile. The health of our mouth depends on the positioning, condition and alignment of our teeth.

Missing teeth are not that uncommon for adults, particularly for those over the age of 50. But whether the tooth loss is from injury, decay, or disease there are serious implications that may not be reversible.


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A.Increased Risk of Infection

A missing tooth can be the result of disease of infection of the mouth and gums. Before the teeth is lost that infection can spread into the body and cause infection elsewhere

B.Gum and Jawbone Deterioration

Missing teeth can lead to deterioration of the gums and jawbone. Oure teeth help to maintain the health of the tissues within the gumline. The roots of the tooth actually help to stimulate the jawbone. If you lose a tooth, the bone tissue will begin to be resorbed by the body causing bone loss in the jawline and mouth.


C.Major Bone Loss

Bone loss is an irreversible concern when it comes to missing teeth. Our jawbone requires regular stimulation by the teeth for support and preventing bone loss. Aside from holding the teeth in place, a strong bone density is required to prevent the mouth from shifting inwards and hinder our speech and our ability to chew food.


D.Misalignment of Other Teeth

The relationship between our bottom and top teeth is referred to as occlusion. Oure teeth develop in a supporting role to each other. When one tooth is gone, the other teeth shift our of alignment causing some of the remaining teeth to move from their original position. This can result in an increased risk of serious oral health issues such as gum disease and cavities as the teeth can be harder to clean if tipping sideways.

 E. Makes Your Teeth More Crooked

This misalignment of the remaining teeth is a common dental care problem as the teeth become crooked. This can cause severe wear on the teeth as well as cracking of the enamel. In addition to the potential health risks, this can cause the teeth to overcrowd and become harder to maintain. Not to mention the aesthetic impact as your smile will be changed. If you aren’t happy with your smile, the emotional and mental affects can be magnified.

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F.Increased Risk of Tooth Decay

The increased risk of tooth decay is often overlooked with missing teeth cases. As the teeth compensate for the gap, they begin to move and shift. The movement of the teeth can result in overcrowding or overlapping of the remaining teeth themselves. This in turn causes difficulty in brushing and flossing the remaining teeth. Bacteria, plaque, and tartat begin to build and tooth decay can set in.


G.Chewing, Eating, and Speaking Becomes Difficult

As our teeth work together, and open gap in the mouth can cause physical stress on the opposing tooth. Obviously, missing teeth can make chewing solid foods difficult. This can lead to malnutrition as one cannot enjoy or even physically eat nutritious foods. Missing teeth can also cause speech impediments as letter sounds and words are formed by using the teeth, tongue, and mouth in various movements. Our voice is also affected by missing teeth.

Update Video:https://youtu.be/Y6HKApxkJjQ

Post time: Nov-09-2022