Things are Bad for Your Teeth

Here is a list of things that can be bad for your teeth.

Posh popcorn or any sort of popcorn. Sometimes you expect the popcorn to be soft, but there’s some kernels left in between that haven’t popped yet and that can be sort of quite jarring on your teeth. If you bite down on them quite hard unexpectedly. 

Beautiful emotional girl holding popcorn         

Sugary drinks and foods. Sugar is obviously bad for your teeth. It causes decay and cavities.

Smoking is bad for your teeth and for your gums. It causes staining, bad breath, and gum disease.

Alcohol is bad for your teeth and inside surfaces of your skin of your mouth as well.

Sweets are bad for your teeth. They can rot your teeth obviously, but if they are hard and sticky, they can also pull out filling and cause decay. 

Dried fruits people may think are quite healthy, but actually they can be very high in sugar and be quite sticky on your teeth as well.Citrus fruits are another thing that people think are quite healthy, but they can be very high in acid which can be very damaging and erosive on your teeth. Fruit juices also can be quite high in acid and in sugar and very damaging for your teeth.

Whitening Teeth

Toothpicks can damage your teeth if you use them incorrectly. They can pull out fillings and actually cause damage to your gums as well.

Sugars in teas and coffees can be damaging for your teeth, because people don’t relies that they also can cause decay, especially for you’re having several teas and coffees during the day, you may not relies the sugar attacks on your teeth and this will cause more decay as time goes on.

Close-up Detail Of Smiling Woman Teeth Before And After Whitening

Having lots of fruits is bad for you, especially if you snack on them during the day. They usually have high sugar and some have high acid content as well. It’s good to have fruits but you’re best off having them all in one go in one session rather than spreading them throughout the day. That way you have one sugar and acid attack rather than several, this will essentially lead to healthier mouth.

Any fizzy drinks are bad for your teeth because the high acid content will have an erosive effect on your tooth surfaces and cause pain problems in the long term. 

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Post time: Aug-10-2023