Eight reasons why children grind their teeth while sleeping

Some children grind their teeth while sleeping at night, which is an unconscious behavior that is a permanent and habitual behavior. Occasional children can ignore the grinding of teeth when sleeping, but if the long-term habitual grinding of children’s sleeping teeth needs to attract the attention of parents and friends, then first of all, let’s understand what is the reason for children’s teeth grinding?

Toddler with toothbrush     

1. Intestinal parasitic diseases. The toxins produced by roundworms stimulate the intestines, which will make the intestinal peristalsis faster, causing indigestion, pain around the umbilicus, and restless sleep. Pinworms can also secrete toxins and cause itching in the anus, interfere with your child’s sleep and make teeth grinding sounds. Most parents think that parasites are the culprit of teeth grinding, but in recent years, due to improved hygiene habits and conditions, teeth grinding caused by parasites has taken a back seat.

kids teeth healthy     

2. Mental overstress. Many children watch thrilling fight TV at night, play excessively before going to sleep, and mental stress can also cause teeth grinding. If you are scolded by your parents for a long time because of something, it causes depression, uneasiness and anxiety, which is also an important reason for grinding your teeth at night.

happy kids

3. Digestive disorders. Children eat too much at night, and a lot of food accumulates in the intestines when they fall asleep, and the gastrointestinal tract has to work overtime, which will cause involuntary teeth grinding during sleep due to excessive burden.

floss teeth 

4. Nutritional imbalance. Some children have the habit of picky eating, especially those who do not like to eat vegetables, resulting in nutritional imbalance, resulting in a deficiency of calcium, phosphorus, various vitamins and trace elements, causing involuntary contraction of facial masticatory muscles at night, and teeth grinding back and forth.


5. Poor tooth growth and development. During tooth replacement, if the child suffers from rickets, malnutrition, congenital loss of individual teeth, etc., the teeth are not developed, and the bite surface will be uneven when the upper and lower teeth come into contact, which is also the cause of night teeth grinding.

Worried boy experiencing tooth ache over colored background   

6. Poor sleeping posture. Some babies sleep in an incorrect position, and abnormal contractions may occur when the masticatory muscles are compressed during sleep, and some babies like to sleep in the quilt, which is more likely to cause teeth grinding in the case of lack of oxygen.

dental floss       

7. Diseases of the nervous system. The masticatory muscles are controlled by the nervous system, and lesions in the nervous system have a direct impact on teeth grinding, such as psychomotor epilepsy, hysteria, etc.

Lovely toddler visiting the dentist, having an examination.

8. Your baby is too excited before bedtime. Before going to bed, if the baby is in an excited state such as nervousness, excitement or fear, the nervous system may not be able to calm down quickly, and the baby is also prone to teeth grinding at night. Some parenting experts will have such an experience, the more active the baby during the day, the easier it is to grind his teeth at night, although it is only experience, but it can also find out some reasons for us to grind teeth.

Know the reason for the child’s teeth grinding, and if you find this situation, you should treat it in time. So, how to solve the problem of teeth grinding in children?

1. If the occlusal joint is abnormally developed and the occlusal disorder disrupts the coordination of the chewing organs, the occlusal disorder is removed by increasing the grinding of the teeth.

BPA FREE toothbrush                 


2. Excessive excitement before falling asleep causes the nervous system to remain excited after falling asleep, and increased tension in the jaw muscles can also cause teeth grinding.

3. Digestive disorders. Children eat too much at night, and a lot of food accumulates in the intestines when they fall asleep, and the gastrointestinal tract has to work overtime, which will cause involuntary teeth grinding during sleep due to excessive burden.



4. Tension and pressure can also lead to teeth grinding. Grinding your teeth occasionally should not hurt too much. You can let your child take a warm bath before bed, avoid getting too excited, and don’t watch thrillers. Don’t eat too late or too much for dinner. Eat more hard grains and fruits that can exercise the masticatory muscles, such as whole wheat bread, apples, and pears, which are conducive to tooth development and reduce teeth grinding.

Week Video: https://youtube.com/shorts/wX5E0xAe_fk?feature=share

Post time: Dec-22-2023